Tuesday, 10 September 2013

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Genre characteristics

Seeing as our song is clearly a female singing and is put in the r'n'b genre we have decided to use a young, aesthetically appealing female, who is sweet but also has another side to her. By doing this we have used the generic conventions used by real media products, as most of the time the singer does not only have the voice but also has the look. You could even argue that in our generations the look is more important than the voice. We are thinking it would be best if we set the music video outside as nature can be used as he perfect set. It is cheap, easy and beautiful. Many music videos are set outside exactly for this reason.

Relationship between lyrics and visuals

We are thinking that it would be best to have our artist singing directly to the camera as it makes a connection between the audience and the artist. Therefore the music video is predominately a performance based music video however it also contains some conceptual themes. We want the lyrics to have a very strong link with the song. We want this so the audience are able to make a connection between the music video and the song. This therefore generates popularity and revenue.

Relationship between music and visuals

Although often confused, the relationship between the music and visuals is different to the relationship between the lyrics and the visuals. For the relationship between the music and the visuals it depicts things such as the speed of the music matching the speed of the editing.

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